Sunday, November 18, 2012

Josephine's Exclusive: Tips For Flawless Skin

Protect your skin everyday. The following tips will help you learn more about the certain kind of exposure your skin should and should not have.
-Sun Protection. 80% of skin aging is from sun exposure. It is very important to care for your skin by using sunscreen even in the winter or rainy seasons. Overcast is no excuse. In fact, this is the most dangerous time for your skin to be exposed to the sun.

-Dieting. Try to reduce 50% of red meat consumption. Other foods that can lead to bad skin include shell fish, chocolate, sugars, and yeast. 

-Maintenance. Be sure to wash your face every morning and night. Don't sleep with any makeup on. You can also use a cleaning masque to pull impurities from your pores. This is suggested to use at least one time a week.

-Josephine's. Come see us for a facial every 4-6 weeks! This will guarantee flawless skin all year round!

Josephine's Exclusive: Caring For Your Dry Skin This Winter

Many people suffer from dry skin during Winter's harsh weather-- if you are one of them you are not alone.
Dry skin is very common and has many symptoms including flakiness, itch, redness, and ashiness.
Follow these simple rules and you will be on your way to cure, prevent and relieve dry rough skin and enjoy smooth, soft touchable, glowing healthy skin. 
-Firstly make sure you are getting the proper amount of rest each night this is not the first time we have mentioned this it is also important to get enough rest to fight acne.
-The three minute moisture rule is also apparent, apply moisturizer to your face while it is still damp after washing.
-Of course make sure that you do not rub your skin when drying it off, instead simply pat your skin dry with a soft towel.
-To assure that your skin is healthy and smooth be sure to follow these steps and moisturize often with Aveda's Botanical Kinetics hydrating moisturizer. The entire line is proven to decrease the amount of dry skin that is produced with frequent usage.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November's Green Tip

American's throw out more than 2.1 million tons of paper and plastic plates and cups every year and many restaurants still use Styrofoam to-go containers. Bring your own to-go containers and ask restaurants to consider eco-friendlier options like compostable containers.